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The early death of new democracy in Indonesia

Amien Rais, anti demokrasi, golkar, Ical, koalisi merah putih, PAN, Prabowo Subianto, RIP democracy, KPK,
RIP Democracy in Indonesia? Image:
After nearly 16 years of reform in Indonesia, and after 10 years of enjoying democracy in local elections, Indonesia has now returned to the era of the "New Order", to its pre-1998 group of political elite, where they are a combination of several parties such as Golkar Party, Party Amanat Nasional (PAN), Gerindra, PKS, and PPP. 

Now, KMP has led an important position in the Indonesian Parliament (DPR), which Setya Novanto Golkar chairman of the House of Representatives, and Fahri Hamzah as vice chairman along with several other KMP elite. Fahri and Novanto, have been several times called by the KPK to be a witness in several cases of corruption.

KMP change the path of democracy in Indonesia with a new Act, where the governors, regents and mayors will be elected by the members of the Regional Representatives Council (DPRD), but already 10 years the people of Indonesia has selected local leaders directly.Now, virtually 250 million people of Indonesia had lost a luxury, which is called democracy.
koalisi merah putih, Amien Rais, Prabowo Subianto, Ical, RIP democracy, anti demokrasi, golkar, PAN,
Amien Rais. Image:
The elite in these parties also referred to as the Coalition Red White (KMP), allegedly anti-democratic movement after their candidate, Prabowo Subianto and Hatta Rajasa losing the presidential election on July 9, 2019.

They alleged retaliation to the president elect, Joko Widodo, or better known as Jokowi. KMP is also believed democracy would change the face of democracy in Indonesia, because they want to amend the Constitution (UUD 1945), where the president will be elected by the MPR (People's Consultative Assembly), like during the 32 year reign of the dictator, Suharto. KMP has a big plan to make the Indonesian Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) be weakened.

koalisi merah putih, Amien Rais, Prabowo Subianto, Ical, RIP democracy, anti demokrasi, golkar, PAN,
Prabowo Subianto. Image:
Whether Indonesia will enter the dark ages? Whether Indonesia will be eliminated from the nature of democracy and freedom? Ironically, while the students of universities and secondary schools in Hong Kong are struggling to fight so that the leaders of Hong Kong can be selected directly by the people, without the intervention of the Chinese government in Beijing. 

Meanwhile, the political elite in KMP have done just the opposite. Other irony is Amien Rais, the 1998 reform of the hero who fought for democracy and local autonomy, Rais now running anti-democratic movement with KMP. Rais, who is one of the founders of the National Mandate Party (PAN) actually support the Coalition Red White aka KMP that led by Prabowo and Ical (Aburizal Bakrie) from Golkar. Is Rais now has been so crazy, or he has a personal vendetta, so Rais forget his ideals for democracy by the people and for the people? 

koalisi merah putih, Amien Rais, Prabowo Subianto, Ical, RIP democracy, anti demokrasi, golkar, PAN,
Prabowo and his colleagues, the Coalition of Red and White. Image:

Now Indonesia is experiencing major problems on the road to democracy. The road will be fitted with barbed wire by the political elite in the coalition in KMP. 

All Students at the University of Indonesia, Trisakti University, Atmajaya University and other campus in Indonesia which is the pioneer of reform movement in 1998 is still silent on their campus. Are they going down demonstration like their peers in Hong Kong?

Indonesian people and all people of the world are now looking forward pro-democracy crucial moments, if Indonesia failed to become a significant part of the freedom and democracy globally? Whether Indonesia will lose acclaim as the third largest democracy after the United States and India?

Changes in the nature and behavior of Amien Rais, the Father of Indonesian Reform, from supporters of democracy and direct elections by the people becomes an indirect election, is a great mystery and difficult to be understood by the most intelligent political expert though. Why Rais enter into a political conspiracy that will make Indonesia backwards very far into the realm of a dictator? Can you answer it?


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